S. T. ColeridgeS・T・コールリッジ / 1772-1834

1772年、デボンシャー (Devonshire) の牧師の子として生まれたロマン派を代表する詩人、批評家で哲学者。父親を亡くした後、クライスツホスピタル (Christ’s Hospital) に入り、ラム (Charles Lamb) やハント (Leigh Hunt) らと交友を結ぶ。ケンブリッジ大学に進学し、サウジー (Robert Southey) と理想的平等社会 ‘Pantisocracy’ をアメリカで作ることを夢見た。リウマチ治療のためにアヘン中毒へと陥った。


コールリッジは1794年、Morning Chronicle で初めて詩を発表した。代表作としては三大幻想詩 Christabel (1798)、未完のKubla Khan (1798)、 “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (1798)、フランス革命をうたった政治詩 France: An Ode (1798)、「アスラ詩編」として知られる “Love” (1799) などが挙げられる。また批評家としてもBiographia Literaria (1817) やシェイクスピアについてのレクチャーなどで重要な地位を築いた。


親交を結んだワーズワス (William Wordsworth) と一緒に出版した Lyrical Ballads (1798) には彼の代表作であるバラッド詩 “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” が収められている。脚韻を abcb と踏む古いバラッド詩形が老水夫の航海中の罪や呪いなど超自然と言われる神秘的な雰囲気をよく表してい る。 (M. I.)

English Romantic poet, critic and philosopher, born the son of a clergyman in Devonshire, England in 1772. After his father’s death in 1781, he was sent to Christ’s Hospital, and he cultivated friendships with Charles Lamb and Leigh Hunt. He matriculated at Cambridge in 1791. When he was a college student, he formed friendships with Robert Southey and they planned to construct an egalitarian commune, ‘Pantisocracy,’ a name they coined themselves. He was addicted to opium while being treated for rheumatism.


Coleridge published his first poem in the Morning Chronicle in 1794. Among his major poetical works are three visionary poems, Christabel (1816), a fragmentary Kubla Khan (1816), and “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (1798), as well as France: An Ode (1798), a political poem on the French Revolution, and “Love,” one of the love poems known as ‘The Asra Poems’. He also established a secure position as a literary critic with his Biographia Literaria (1817) and lectures on Shakespeare.


He contracted a friendship with William Wordsworth, and they jointly published Lyrical Ballads (1798), which includes his representative literary ballad “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” In this poem, the old traditional ballad rhyme ‘abcb’ is effectively adopted to express supernatural motifs as well as the ancient mariner’s sin and curse on his voyage.  (M. I.)


  • 1. The Ballad of the Dark Ladié
  • 2. Love
  • 3. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  • 4. The Three Graves


  • 3. 老水夫の物語


* The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Ed. Ernest Hartley Coleridge. Oxford, 1912.