David Malletデイヴィッド・マレット / ?1705-65
詩人 M〜O 1600年〜1739年 翻訳作品 詩人 M〜Oスコットランドの詩人、劇作家。故郷スコットランドからロンドンに移った際に名前を ‘Malloch’ から英語式に ‘Mallet’ と改め、詩作品 The Excursion (1728) や友人ジェイムズ・トムソン (James Thomson, 1700-48) との共作仮面劇 Alfred (1740)、伝記 Life of Francis Bacon (1740) など多方面で健筆を揮ったが、このスコットランド詩人の名を後世にとどめたのはバラッド詩 “Margaret’s Ghost” によってであった。1723年に書かれ、The Plain Dealer 誌上 (1724年7月24日号, No. 36) に匿名で発表され、のちにトマス・パースィ (Thomas Percy) の Reliques (1765) 第3巻に収録された。別名 “William and Margaret” として当時大変な人気を博し、パースィは “one of the most beautiful ballads in our own or any other language” と称え、後世の文芸批評家ジョージ・セインツベリ (George Saintsbury, 1845-1933) も次のように述べて、その文学史的意義を指摘している:
“[no] single copy of verses deserve[s] so much credit for setting the eighteenth century back on the road of true romantic poetry by an easy path, suited to its own tastes and powers.” [Cambridge History of English Literature, ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller (1912; Cambridge, 1932) 9: 185-86] (M. Y.)
Scottish poet and playwright, who changed his name from the Scottish “Malloch” to the English “Mallet”. He wrote The Excursion (1728, a poem) and Life of Francis Bacon (1740), and co-wrote, with his friend James Thomson (1700-48), Alfred (1740, a masque), but is most remembered for his early ballad “Margaret’s Ghost” (better known as “William and Margaret”). It was written in 1723, and enjoyed tremendous popularity when published anonymously in The Plain Dealer the following year, later being included in the third volume of Thomas Percy’s Reliques (1765), in which Percy speaks of Mallet’s work as ‘one of the most beautiful ballads in our own or any other language’. George Saintsbury points out the significance of the piece in the history of English poetry, concluding that ‘[no] single copy of verses deserve[s] so much credit for setting the eighteenth century back on the road of true romantic poetry by an easy path, suited to its own tastes and powers.’ [Cambridge History of English Literature, ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller (1912; Cambridge, 1932) 9: 185-86] (M. Y.)
* Thomas Evans, ed. Old Ballads, Historical and Narrative, with Some of Modern Date. Vol. 2. Enl. ed. London: Printed for T. Evans, 1784.
* Thomas Percy, ed. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. Vol. 3. With Memoir and Critical Dissertation by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh: James Nichol, 1858. A rpt. entire from Percy’s last edition of 1794.