Matthew Gregory Lewisマシュー・グレゴリー・ルイス / 1775-1818

1775年7月9日にロンドンで生まれた詩人、小説家。ウェストミンスター校とオックスフォード大学クライストチャーチで教育を受けた。休暇中にはフラン スやドイツを訪れて語学を習得し、特にドイツではゲーテ (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) やヴィーラント (Christoph Martin Wieland) らと出会い、ドイツの “horror-romanticism” を英文学に本格的に持ち込んだ。1796年にルイスはドイツ文学の影響が 強く見られるゴシック小説 The Monk を出版。近親相姦や親殺しなどが描かれたこの作品は彼の代表作となり、後に ‘Monk’ Lewis と称されることとなった。

1801年には詩集 Tales of WonderTales of Terror と2巻組みで出版した。この詩集にはゲーテの “Fisher” の翻訳などドイツ語から翻訳したもの、ルーン文字で書かれたバラッドの翻訳やイギリスの古いバラッド、スコット (Sir Walter Scott) やサウジー (Robert Southey)、レイデン (John Leyden) の作品も収められている。ゴシック・ホラー・バラッドは大流行となり、ロマン派詩人コールリッジ (S. T. Coleridge)、バイロン (George Gordon Byron) やシェリー (P. B. Shelley) に多大な影響を与えた。

ゴシック小説 The Monk に挿入され、Tales of Wonder にも収められた “Alonzo the Brave and Fair Imogine” では肉体を持った亡霊の出現など伝承バラッドになじみの手法を使いながらも、生前と同じ姿で現れる伝承バラッドの亡霊とは違い、朽ち果てた肉体となっての出現という独創的な描き方をしている。 (M. I.)

English poet and novelist, born in London, 9 July 1775. He was educated at Westminster and Christ Church, Oxford. During the school vacations he visited France and Germany to acquire language skills, and in Germany he met with Goethe and Wieland. He absorbed knowledge as to German “horror-romanticism” and adopted it in English Literature earnestly. In 1796 he published his first Gothic novel, The Monk, influenced by German literature. This novel of incest and murder made him famous, and he was called “Monk” Lewis.


In 1801 he published two sets of poems, Tales of Wonder and Tales of Terror. They include some translations of German works such as Goethe’s “Fisher,” some ballads translated from runes, English traditional ballads, and some poems by Scott, Southey, Leyden, and other poets. These works spread the boom of Gothic horror, and influenced Romantic poets such as Coleridge, Byron and Shelley.


Lewis’s Gothic ballad “Alonzo the Brave and Fair Imogine”, inserted in his novel The Monk and also in Tales of Wonder, adopted a familiar technique of incorporeal revenant in the traditional ballad, but the badly decayed body of his ghost is different from the traditional ghost, and shows his originality in his grotesque description.    (M. I.)


  • 1. Alonzo the Brave and Fair Imogine
  • 2. Bill Jones, a Tale of Wonder
  • 3. The Bleeding Nun
  • 4. Bothwell’s Bonny Jane
  • 5. The Cloud-King
  • 6. Couteous King Jamie
  • 7. Crazy Jane
  • 8. Durandarte and Belerma
  • 9. Elver’s Hoh
  • 10. The Erl King’s Daughter
  • 11. The Fire King
  • 12. The Fisherman
  • 13. The Gay Gold Ring
  • 14. Giles Jollup the Grave, and Brown Sally Green
  • 15. The Gipsy’s Song
  • 16. The Grim White Woman
  • 17. King Hacho’s Death Song
  • 18. Osric the Lion
  • 19. The Princess and the Slave
  • 20. The Sailor’s Tale
  • 21. Sir Agilthorn
  • 22. Sir Guy, the Seeker
  • 23. Sir Hengist
  • 24. The Soldier’s Grave
  • 25. The Sword of Angantyr
  • 26. The Water-King
  • Suppl-1. The Black Canon of Elmham; or, Saint Edmond’s Eve
  • 1_1_1_A-parody-poem-of-Alonzo-the-Brave-and-the-Fair-Imogene_ff


  • 1. 勇者アロンゾーと麗(うるわ)しのイモジン


* Tales of Wonder. Written and Collected by M. G. Lewis. 2 vols. London, 1801.
* The Life and Correspondence of M. G. Lewis: with many pieces in prose and verse never before published. 2 vols. London: Henry Colburn, 1839.
* The Monk: A Romance. Waterford: J. Saunders, 1796.
* Sir Walter Scott, ed. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. Ed. Henderson. London, 1931.
* Romantic Tales. New York, 1809.
* Tales of Terror and Wonder, collected by Matthew Gregory Lewis. With an Introduction by Henry Morley. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1887.