Thomas Osborne Davisトマス・オズボーン・デイヴィス / 1814-45

アイルランドの愛国詩人。アイルランド共和国南西部コーク (Cork) に生まれ、 名門トリニティ・カレッジ・ダブリンに学ぶ。ダニエル・オコンネル (Daniel O’Connell) の強い影響を受けて学生時代から民族文化に関心を抱き、1842年、アイルランド独立運動の闘士チャールズ・ギャヴァン・ダフィーらとThe Nation 誌を創刊。急進的民族主義グループ運動 (‘The Young Ireland Movement’) の若き詩人たちの中心的存在であった。デイヴィスの愛国主義的バラッド詩は、初めはThe Nation に発表され、その後The Spirit of the Nationに収録された。


デイヴィス自身はプロテスタントであったが、カトリックとプロテスタントの和解を説いた。自ら作詞した愛国歌“A Nation Once Again”は1844年7月13日にThe Nationに発表されたが、”a song is worth a thousand harangues”(「一つの歌は一千の熱弁に値する」)と言って、祖国への愛を忘れないために歌ってほしいと願った。 (M. Y.)

Irish writer and politician. Davis was the chief organizer and poet of the Young Ireland Movement. Born in the town of Mallow in the county of Cork, he studied at Trinity College, Dublin. Davis established The Nation newspaper with Charles Gavan Duffy and John Blake Dillon. He wrote some stirring nationalistic ballads, originally contributed to The Nation, which were afterwards included in The Spirit of the Nation. He himself was a Protestant, but preached peace between Catholics and Protestants. He came to the fore of Irish nationalist thinking, and it has been noted by later nationalist heroes, such as Patrick Henry Pearse (1879-1916), that while Wolfe Tone (1763-98) laid out the basic tenet that Ireland as a nation must be free, Davis was the one who built this idea up promoting Irish identity.


He is the author of the famous Irish rebel song “A Nation Once Again”, first published in The Naion on 13 July 1844. Davis, who believed that “a song is worth a thousand harangues”, hoped that the people would sing the song “to keep alive in their minds the love of the fatherland”.     (M. Y.)


  • 1. Fontenoy
  • 2. The Sack of Baltimore
  • 3. Lament for the Death of Eoghan Ruadh O'Neill


  • 3. オーウェン・ロー・オニールの死に寄せて


* The Poems of Thomas Davis. With Notes, Historical Illustrations, etc, and an Introduction by John Mitchel. New York, 1854.