Aubrey De Vereオーブリー・ド・ヴィア / 1814-1902

アイルランドの詩人。1814年1月、リメリック (Limerick) に生まれる。同じく詩人の Sir Aubrey de Vere (1788-46) の息子。Wordsworth や Coleridge の影響の下で詩人としてのキャリアを始め、Tennyson、Browning、Carlyle、Sir Henry Taylor など当時の著名人との交友関係を築いた。父の死やアイルランド大飢饉を境に、彼の宗教心は深まりを見せ、ローマン・カトリックに改宗するに至る。賛美歌 “A May Carol” は、ローマ教皇 Pius IX の計らいにより作られたと言われている。また、ケルト伝説や文学にも多大なる関心を示し、後の ‘Celtic Revival’ への道筋を示した。主な詩集に The Sisters (1816)、Irish Odes (1869)、Legends of St Patrick (1872)、St Peters Chains (1888) など。 (Y. Y.)

Irish poet, born in Co. Limerick, January 1814, as the son of Sir Aubrey de Vere (1788-46), himself a poet. He started his literary life as a devotee of Wordsworth and Coleridge, and built friendships with such literary celebrities as Tennyson, Browning, Carlyle, and Sir Henry Taylor. Following the death of his father and the devastating Irish famine, he started to deepen his religious sentiment, which led him to convert to Roman Catholicism. His hymn “A May Carol” is said to be composed at Pope Pius IX’s suggestion. He also showed great sympathy to Celtic legend and literature, and provided a pathway to the Celtic Revival in the later nineteenth century. His main publications are: The Sisters (1816), Irish Odes (1869), Legends of St Patrick (1872), St Peters Chains (1888), etc.    (Y. Y.)


  • 1. At the Tomb of King Arthur
  • 2. A Ballad of Athlone
  • 3. The Ballad of “Bonny Portmore”
  • 4. A Ballad of Sarsfield
  • 5. The Bier that Conquered; or, O’Donnell’s Answer


* G. B. Smith, ed. Illustrated British Ballads, Old and New. Vol. 1. London: Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co., 1881.
* The Book of Irish Poetry. Ed. with an Introduction by Alfred Perceval Graves. Dublin: The Talbot Press, n. d.
* Inisfail; a Lyrical Chronicle of Ireland. Dublin, 1863.
* The Sisters, Inisfail, and Other Poems. Dublin: McGlashan and Gill, 1861.