George Walter Thornburyジョージ・ウォルター・ソーンベリー / 1828-76

弁護士の息子としてロンドンに生まれる。主にAthenaeum 誌 に寄稿しジャーナリストとして生計を立てるかたわら、詩人、小説家、芸術批評家、歴史著述家など、その活躍は多岐に渡った。“Writing the history of a vast city like London is like writing a history of the ocean . . . ” という言葉で始まる Old and New London: A Narrative of its History, its People and its Places (1872) は、歴史書でありながら、芸術的評価も高い。主な作品に、Songs of Cavaliers and Roundheads (1857)、Shakespeare’s England during the Reign of Elisabeth (1856) など。 (M. M.)

Born in London as the son of a solicitor. A journalist by profession, he wrote mainly for the Athenaeum. He also wrote verses, novels, art criticism, and historical sketches. His historical topography, Old and New London: A Narrative of its History, its People and its Places (1872), which begins by claiming “[w]riting the history of a vast city like London is like writing a history of the ocean . . . ”, is highly valued as a work of art. He published many other works, including Songs of Cavaliers and Roundheads (1857) and Shakespeare’s England during the Reign of Elisabeth (1856).    (M. M.)


  • 1. The Cavalier’s Escape
  • 2. Culloden
  • 3. Old Sir Walter
  • 4. The Three Troopers


* G. B. Smith, ed. Illustrated British Ballads, Old and New. Vol. 1. London, 1881.
* Songs of the Cavaliers and Roundheads, Jacobite Ballads, & C. & C. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1857.