J. H. WiffenJ・H・ウィッフェン / 1792-1836

1792 年12月、ベッドフォードシア (Bedfordshire) のウォーバーン (Woburn) に生まれる。詩作だけではなく、エッチングや木版画や印鑑作りの才にも恵まれた。Thomas Percy が世に出した英国のバラッドやロビン・フッド伝説に傾倒し、友人にそれを暗唱してみせたり、自作の物語を作ったりした。イタリア詩人Tasso (1544-95) の “Jerusalem Delivered” の翻訳を1824年に、スペイン詩人 Garcilasso de la Vega (1503-36) の翻訳を1823年に発表するという偉業を成す。彼の主な詩集は、Poems by Three Friends (1812), Aonian Hours and Other Poems (1819), The Brothers Wiffen (1880) など。 (Y. Y.)

Born in Woburn, Bedfordshire, December 1792. He was talented at etching, woodcuts, and seal making, as well as poetry. He loved Percy’s old English ballads and stories of Robin Hood, which he recited to his friends, and made up his own stories as well. Wiffen’s translations of Tasso’s “Jerusalem Delivered,” completed in 1824, and the works of Garcilasso de la Vega, a Spanish poet (1503-36) in 1823, were regarded as priceless literary enterprises. His main poetry collections are Poems by Three Friends (1812), Aonian Hours, and Other Poems (1819), The Brothers Wiffen (1880), among others.    (Y. Y.)


  • 1. The Luck of Eden-Hall


* The Literary Souvenir; or, Cabinet of Poetry and Romance. Ed. Alaric A. Watts. London, 1826.