Henry Kirke Whiteヘンリー・カーク・ホワイト / 1785-1806

1785年3月、ノッティンガム (Nottingham) に生まれる。詩集 Clifton Grove, a Sketch in Verse, with Other Poems (1803) は Robert Southey の関心を引き、この先輩詩人の暖かい助力を受けることになる。彼の死後、Southey は彼の詩とともにその思い出を綴った Remains (1807) を出版している。夭折したこの詩人は、その短い人生ゆえに美化されることが多いが、Southey に呼応するかのように Byron もこの詩人の才能を認めている。“The Fair Maid of Clifton”, “Clifton Grove” などの宗教詩や賛美歌は、その才能が発揮された秀作である。 (Y. Y.)

Born in Nottingham, March 1785. His volume of verses, Clifton Grove, a Sketch in Verse, with Other Poems (1803) attracted the attention of Robert Southey, who warm-heartedly assisted him and, after his death, collected his works, with a memoir, and published them in his Remains (1807). Although White is sympathetically remembered because of his tragic early death, Lord Byron also acknowledged his poetic talent, which is to be seen in his beautiful religious verses and hymns such as “The Fair Maid of Clifton”, and “Clifton Grove”. (Y. Y.)


  • 1. A Ballad ("Be hush'd, be hush'd, ye bitter winds")
  • 2. Gondoline: a Ballad


* The Poetical Works of Henry Kirke White and James Grahame. With Memoirs, Critical Dissertations, and Explanatory Notes, by the Rev George Gilfillan. Edinburgh: James Nichol, 1856.