Mary Howittメアリ・ハウイット / 1799-1888

1799 年3月、イングランド南西部グロスターシア (Gloucestershire) のコルフォード (Coleford) に生まれる。1821年、ウィリアム・ハウイット (William Howitt, 1792-1879) と結婚し、晩年まで夫婦合作の執筆、翻訳、編集活動を行い、180冊以上の本を出版するに至る。詩人、童話作家、翻訳家、雑誌の編集者など多方面にわたる活躍ぶりだが、彼女の名声は主にヴィクトリア朝の理想的な家庭生活を描いた子供の本や牧歌的な物語に拠るものが大きい。夫婦の文学活動は、The Desolation of Eyam and Other Poems (1827) にまとめられている。彼女が夫とともに刊行した Howitt’s Journal (1847-9) は、多くの労働者階級の詩人の作品を世に出した功績で知られる。 (Y. Y.)

Born at Coleford, in Gloucestershire, March 1799. She married William Howitt (1792-1879) in 1821, and began a career of joint authorship with her husband, producing over 180 books together. She is versatile, as is seen in the incredible number of literary works she produced as poet, novelist, translator and editor, but she is particularly associated with her tales for children, and idyllic stories that embodied the Victorian ideal domestic life. A selection of the couple’s literary works are collected in The Desolation of Eyam and Other Poems (1827). Howitt’s Journal (1847-9), which assisted many working-class poets in printing their poems, is an indication of her literary contribution as an editor. (Y. Y.)


  • 1. The Boy of Heaven
  • 2. The Fairies of the Caldon Low
  • 3. An Old Man's Story
  • 4. The Ballad of Richard Burnell
  • 5. The Sin of Earl Walter
  • 6. Thomas Harlowe
  • 7. The Three Guests
  • 8. The Voyage with the Nautilus


* Ballads and Other Poems. London, 1847.
* The Poets of the Nineteenth Century. Selected and Edited by the Rev. Robert Aris Willmott. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1858.
* Household Words. Vol. 2. Jan. 18, 1851: 397-400.