George Colman, the Youngerジョージ・コールマン / 1762-1836

イングランドの詩人、劇作家。アバディーン大学在学中に、Whig 党の政治家 Charles James Fox (1749-1806) を諷刺した詩 “The Man of the People” を出版する。後に、My Night Gown and Slippers (1797) や Poetical Vagaries (1812) など、いわゆる「ユーモア詩」と言われる詩集を出版している。劇作品としては、ウィリアム・ゴドウィン (William Godwin, 1756-1836) の小説 The Adventures of Caleb Williams (1794) をドラマ化した The Iron Chest (1796) や、典型的な英国人気質を活写して彼の最高作と評される John Bull, or an Englishman’s Fireside (1803) その他多くのものを書き残し、時代が求めるものに敏で、聴衆を涙と笑いのメロドラマに誘う当代随一の劇作家であったと言われる。 (M. Y.)

English poet and dramatist. He studied both at Christ Church, Oxford, and King’s College, University of Aberdeen. While in Aberdeen, he published “The Man of the People”, a poem satirizing Charles James Fox (1749-1806). He also left behind supposedly humorous poetry, My Night Gown and Slippers (1797), and Poetical Vagaries (1812). Among his dramatic works, The Iron Chest (1796) is a dramatization of William Godwin’s The Adventures of Caleb Williams (1794), and John Bull, or an Englishman’s Fireside (1803) was considered his finest work, sketching the English national spirit. It is said that George Colman the Younger was the most popular dramatist at the turn of the nineteenth century, a writer who knew what the audience wanted from him, the melodramatic flavour of tears and laughter.    (M. Y.)


  • 1. The Maid of the Moor, or the Water Fiends
  • 2. Sir Marmaduke
  • 3. Unfortunate Miss Bailey


* Tales of Wonder, written and collected by M. G. Lewis. Vol. 2. London: Printed by W. Bulmer, 1801.
* John Williamson Palmer, ed. Folk Songs. New York: Charles Scribner, 1861.
* Love Laughs at Locksmiths. Original Complete Edition. London: John Dicks, n. d.