Lewis Carrollルイス・キャロル / 1832-98

本名チャールズ・ラトウィッジ・ドジソン (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)。イングランドのノンセンス作家、詩人、数学者、論理学者、写真家。オックスフォードに学び、後に同大学数学講師となる。代表作は Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland (1865) とThrough the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There (1871)。キャロルのバラッド詩は、言葉遊びとパロディを駆使したノンセンス・バラッド詩である。既成の価値観が崩壊し、人々を取り巻くものごとが意味を失ったヴィクトリア朝時代。そんな時代が必要とした新しい価値観の構築への希求と、どもり癖や特殊な 性嗜好のために社会に馴染むことができなかったとされるキャロルの個人的事情とが、ノンセンスであることにより真実を描き出すというキャロル作品を生み出 したのであろう。 (M. M.)

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, known by his pen name Lewis Carroll, was an English author, mathematician, logician and photographer. He was educated at Rugby and Christ Church, Oxford, where he later became a lecturer in mathematics. His most famous writings are Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland (1865), and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There (1871). His works are within the genre of literary nonsense, and his ballads are also nonsense ballads full of wordplays and parodies. His nonsense had some ‘meaning’ in the Victorian Age when every traditional value had collapsed. Longing for a new sense of values, and suffering from stammering and pedophilia, made Carroll a nonsense writer who depicts the truth of life.     (M. M.)


  • 1. The Aged Aged Man
  • 2. Father William
  • 3. The Hunting of the Snark
  • 4. Jabberwocky
  • 5. The Lang Coortin’
  • 6. The Two Brothers
  • 7. The Walrus and the Carpenter


  • 6. ふたりの兄弟


* Through the Looking-Grass. The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll. With an Introduction by Alexander Woollcott, and the Illustrations by John Tenniel. Penguin Books, 1988.
* The Collected Verse of Lewis Carroll. With Illustrations by Sir John Tenniel, et al. London: Macmillan, 1932.