Thomas Campbellトマス・キャンベル / 1777-1844

1777年7月、グラスゴーに生まれる。“The Battle of the Baltic”、 “Lord Ullin’s Daughter” など、主にセンチメンタルな戦争詩で後世に名を残している。長編詩 The Pleasure of Hope (1799) では、当時センセーショナルな話題だった、ヨーロッパの帝国主義国に対するポーランドの抵抗運動を一部扱い、多くの共感を呼び大成功を収め た。熱狂的な愛国精神は、その後生涯に渡ってキャンベルの詩神となり、思想と情熱を分かち合える多くの友人を得た。また彼は、ロンドン大学設立に関わったメンバーの一人としても知られる。 (Y. Y.)

Born in Glasgow, the son of a Glasgow merchant, in July 1777. He was not only acclaimed as a popular Scottish poet in his own day, but also counted as one of the founders of the University of London. He is chiefly remembered for his sentimental war songs such as “The Battle of the Baltic” and “Lord Ullin’s Daughter”. His long poem The Pleasure of Hope (1799), which deals with the sensational events in his day such as the French revolution, immediately gave him fame and fortune.   (Y. Y.)


  • 1. The Battle of the Baltic
  • 2. The Brave Roland
  • 3. Gilderoy
  • 4. Glenara
  • 5. Lines Written on Visiting a Scene in Argyleshire
  • 6. Lochiel’s Warning
  • 7. Lord Ullin’s Daughter
  • 8. The Soldier’s Dream
  • 9. The Spectre Boat
  • 10. The Wounded Hussar


* George Barnett Smith, ed. Illustrated British Ballads, Old and New. Vol. 1. London, 1881.
* The Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell. Ed. Epes Sargent. Boston, 1854.
* The Oxford Book of English Verse of the Romantic Period 1798-1837. Chosen by H. S. Milford. 1928; Oxford, 1935.