Richard Harris Barhamリチャード・ハリス・バラム / 1788-1845

イングランドの詩人。1788年11月、カンタベリーに生まれる。タッピングトン屋敷のトーマス・インゴルズビー (Thomas Ingoldsby of Tappington Manor) という筆名で『インゴルズビー伝説集』(The Ingoldsby Legends, 1840, 42, 47) をBentley’s MiscellanyNew Monthly Magazine で 発表し、一躍人気作家になる。現在ではその名声は衰えているが、ヴィクトリア朝時代には大変人気があったという。中世のフォークロアやバラッドを面白可笑しくパロディ化する手腕でイングランド有数のヒューモリストとして評価されるが、綿密な好古趣味的な研究がその作品群を支えていることは特筆すべきである。「ランスの鴉の物語」(“The Jackdaw of Rheims”, 1837) が有名。 (Y. Y.)

English poet, born in Canterbury. He is best known as the author of The Ingoldsby Legends, a series of grotesque metrical tales, written under his pen name, Thomas Ingoldsby of Tappington Manor, first contributed to Bentley’s Miscellany and later appearing in New Monthly Magazine and compiled into books published in 1840, 1842, and 1847. These publications led to his being ranked among the best English humorists for his skill in parodying medieval folklore and ballads, but his vigorous antiquarian learning that gave him the foundation for his popular tales should not be overlooked. “The Jackdaw of Rheims” (1837) is one of his best known ballads.     (Y. Y.)


  • 1. The Babes in the Wood
  • 2. The Jackdaw of Rheims
  • 3. A Lay of St. Nicholas
  • 4. Misadventures at Margate
  • 5. Mr. Barney Maguire’s Account of the Coronation
  • 6. Nell Cook


 The Ingoldsby Legends or Mirth and Marvels by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. From the Edinburgh Edition. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, n.d.
* Illustrated British Ballads, Old and New. Ed. George Barnett Smith. Vol. 1. London, 1881.
* An English Book of Light Verse. Chosen by Guy Boas. London: Macmillan, 1944.