Robert Allanロバート・アラン / 1774-1841

スコットランドの詩人、ソングライター。中西部の旧州レンフルシャー (Renfrewshire) のキルバーカン (Kilbarchan) に生まれる。小さい時から作曲の才能を発揮していたが、後年、詩人タナヒル (Robert Tannahill, 1774-1810) に励まされてその才能を開花させた。織物師として働いていたアランは、師のタナヒルと同じように、織り機の音に合わせながら詩歌を作ったと言われる。その多くは R. A. Smith (1780-1829) が刊行した Scottish Minstrel (1821-24) に寄稿された。1836年に詩集を出版し、スコットランドの詩歌愛好家の間ではそれなりの好評を得たが、アラン自身は詩人としては必ずしも評価されていないという失意から、息子の住むアメリカに移ることを決意し、1841年4月28日、67歳にして新天地をめざして出航した。しかし、航 海中にひいた風邪をこじらせて、到着6日後に亡くなった。 (M. Y.)

Scottish poet and songwriter, born in Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire. He early showed a talent for the composition of song, which was afterwards fostered by the encouragement of the poet Robert Tannahill (1774-1810). Like Tannahill, he was a weaver in his native place, and many of his best songs were composed at the loom, a number of which he contributed to the Scottish Minstrel (1821-24), published by R. A. Smith (1780-1829). In 1836 a volume of his poems was published, and attracted a great deal of attention among lovers of Scottish song. Later, however, he became possessed with the idea that he was not appreciated in Scotland as a poet, and determined to join his youngest son in the United States. He accordingly sailed for the New World, April 28, 1841, at the age of sixty-seven. However, the poet caught a chill while at sea, and died six days after arriving there.    (M. Y.)


  • 1. Lord Ronald Came to His Lady’s Bower


* The Modern Scottish Minstrel; or, The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century. With Memoirs of the Poets, and Sketches and Specimens in English Verse of the Most Celebrated Modern Gaelic Bards. Vol. 2. Ed. Charles Rogers. In 6 Volumes. Edinburgh, 1856.