Robert Stephen Hawkerロバート・スティーブン・ホーカー / 1803-75

イングランドの詩人。1802年10月プリマス (Plymouth) に生まれる。コーンウォール地方の牧師詩人とし て有名であり、41歳の金持ちのゴッド・マザーとの結婚、超自然的な透視の能力、風変わりなファッションなどで街の噂となった人物である。オックスフォー ド大学学部時代に執筆した “Pompeii” が ‘Newdigate Poetry Prize’ を受賞。死後出版された The Cornish Ballads and other Poems (1908) に収められたコーンウォール地方の伝説を基にしたバラッドは、好古研究家としての並々ならぬ情熱と博学の産物である。 (Y. Y.)

English poet, born in Plymouth, December 1802. Hawker was a famous Cornish parson-poet, whose eccentricities were the talk of the town, such as his marriage to his rich 41-year-old godmother, his supposed ability to see mystic visions, and his unusual fashion sense, which shocked and surprised his contemporaries. One of his chief poetical pieces is his poem “Pompeii”, with which he won the Newdigate Poetry Prize as an Oxford undergraduate. His composition of ballads was mainly based on the legends of Cornwall posthumously published in The Cornish Ballads and Other Poems (1908), which manifest his wide range of knowledge and exceptional passion for antiquity.    (Y. Y.)


  • 1. Annot of Benallay
  • 2. The Doom-Well of St. Madron
  • 3. The Song of the Western Men


* The Poetical Works of Robert Stephen Hawker. London: John Lane, the Bodley Head, 1899.