Thomas Chattertonトマス・チャタトン / 1752-70

1752 年11月20日にブリストル (Bristol) で生まれたイングランドの詩人。1760年にコルストン慈善学校 (Colston’s Charity) へ入学したが、教わる内容は読み書きと教理教育など限られたものだった。父親の家系に代々教会の寺男が多かったことや父親が古物愛好家だったことから、彼は聖メアリ・レッドクリフ教会 (St Mary Redcliffe) の書類保管庫に通って古文書に親しんだ。16歳のころ中世風の文字、つづり、文体を駆使して15世紀の修道士トマス・ローリー (Thomas Rowley) という架空の名で詩を書いた。それらの作品は、その作者をめぐって物議をかもした。1770年ロンドンに出たが生活が苦しく、18歳の時ヒ素で自殺した。Poems supposed to have been written at Bristol by Thomas Rowley and others, in the Fifteenth Century (1777) は死後刊行された。


彼の早熟な才能の開花した作品とその悲惨な結末がロマン派詩人などに影響を与え、コールリッジ (S. T. Coleridge) の “A Monody on the Death of Chatterton” やキーツ (John Keats) のソネット “To Chatterton” など、多くのチャタトンにまつわる作品が生み出された。


バラ戦争を背景にした “Bristowe Tragedie: or the Dethe of Syr Charles Bawdin” は完璧なバラッド・スタンザと古風なつづりにより、中世の歴史を効果的に表現している。 (M. I.)

English poet, born in Bristol, 20 November 1752. He entered Colston’s Charity which was a bluecoat school, but the students of the school were taught only reading, writing and doctrine. As many of his father’s family were sextons and his father was an amateur antiquary, he visited the muniment room in St Mary Redcliffe Church to read some ancient materials. When he was 16, he created some poems taking advantage of medieval letters, spelling, and style under the name of Thomas Rowley. The pseudonym Thomas Rowley designates an imaginary monk in the 15th century. These poems caused controversy about authorship. In 1770 he moved to London, but he was impoverished, and killed himself by arsenic at the age of 18. Poems supposed to have been written at Bristol by Thomas Rowley and others, in the Fifteenth Century (1777) was posthumously published.


Chatterton’s precociously-gifted works and his miserable end affected some English Romantic Poets. Many works about Chatterton have been created: Coleridge’s “A Monody on the Death of Chatterton”, and Keat’s sonnet “To Chatterton” are among them.


Chatterton’s ballad “Bristowe Tragedie: or the Dethe of Syr Charles Bawdin” on the Wars of the Roses depicts medieval history most effectively through the use of an exact ballad stanza and antique spelling.    (M. I.)


  • 1. Bristowe Tragedie: or the Dethe of Syr Charles Bawdin
  • 2. An Excelente Balade of Charitie


  • 1. ブリストウの悲劇


* The Rowley Poems of Thomas Chatterton, ed. with an Introduction by Maurice Evan Hare. Oxford: Clarendon, 1911. A rpt. from Tyrwhitt’s Third Edition of 1778.
* The Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton. Ed. With a Biographical Introduction, Notes, Glossary and Bibliography by Henry D. Roberts. Vol. II. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1906.