Henry Careyヘンリー・ケアリー / ?1687-1743

イングランドの詩人、劇作家、音楽家。1713年に最初の詩集 Poems on Several Occasions が出版される。25年出版の詩 Namby Pamby は、 1行7音節の珍しい作詩法で「万人に捧げる」一連のオードを書いた Ambrose Philips (1674-1749) に対する諷刺詩であるが、‘namby-pamby’ という言葉が、感傷的でめめしい詩文や人間を指す普通名詞や形容詞として使わ れるようになったほどこの詩は人気を博し、ポープ (Alexander Pope, 1688-1744) の賞賛を得、ケアリーは “Namby Pamby Carey” と呼ばれ、フィリップス自身は “Namby Pamby” と呼ばれるようになった。Poems on Several Occasions に 収録された “The Ballad of Sally in our Alley” はアディソン (Joseph Addison, 1672-1719) に一度ならず褒められて、こちらも大人気で、今日まで様々な歌手によってうたい継がれている。 (M. Y.)

English poet, dramatist, and song-writer, born in London. Poems on Several Occasions came out in 1713 as his first poetry publication. The term “namby-pamby”, which means affected, weak, and maudlin, comes from Carey’s poem, Namby Pamby (1725), a satire of Ambrose Philips, who wrote a series of odes in a new prosody of seven-syllable lines and dedicated it to “all ages and persons, from Robert Walpole to the mother in the nursery”. The poem, which had been praised by Alexander Pope (1688-1744), was so successful that Carey was referred to as “Namby Pamby Carey” and Philips himself as “Namby Pamby”. “The Ballad of Sally in our Alley”, applauded by Joseph Addison more than once, was also very successful, and continues to be sung even today.   (M. Y.)


  • 1. The Ballad of Sally in our Alley


* Poems on Several Occasions. 3rd ed. London, 1729.