Gerald Masseyジェラルド・マッシー / 1828-1907

詩人、エジプト学者。イングランドのハートフォードシャ (Hertfordshire) に生まれる。両親は貧しく、幼い頃から生糸工場や麦わらさなだ作りに働きに出される。過酷な労働の合間に独学で学び、文学への造詣を深めていった。21歳で Spirit of Freedom 誌の編集者となったのと同時に初めての詩集 Voices of Freedom and Lyrics of Love (1850) を出版、その後次々と詩集を出版し、好評を博す。1889年、集大成とも言うべき My Lyrical Life を出版する。エジプト学者としては亡くなる直前、Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World を世に出すが、独学で学んだ彼のエジプト学は、学会からの評価は全く得られなかった。しかし彼の詩に垣間見えるオリエンタリズムは、まさしくその影響の下にあると言えるだろう。 (M. M.)

English poet and Egyptologist, born in Hertfordshire. Because his parents were poor, he was made to work in a silk factory and in straw plaiting. In his spare moments from his hard work he educated himself, and he gradually grew knowledgeable about literary works. When he was 21, he became an editor of the Spirit of Freedom, and at the same time he published his first volume of poems, Voices of Freedom and Lyrics of Love (1850), which was followed by many collections which attracted favorable notice. In 1889, he published a two-volume edition of poems called My Lyrical Life. Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World (1907) was a result of his self-educated efforts in Egyptology, but it was not seriously recognized in the field. Readers of his poetry, however, will notice his scholarly interests reflected in some of his works.    (M. M.)


  • 1. The Ballad of Babe Christabel
  • 2. Sir Richard Grenville’s Last Fight


* The Ballad of Babe Christabel with Other Lyrical Poems. Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. London, 1854.
* George Barnett Smith, ed. Illustrated British Ballads, Old and New. Vol. 2. London, 1881.