Thomas B. Macaulayトマス・ B・マコーリー / 1800-59

1800年10月、イングランド中部のレスターシア (Leicestershire)、ロスレイ・テンプル (Rothley Temple) 生まれのホイッグ党の政治家、エッセイスト、歴史家、詩人。1825年以来、ホイッグ主義を標榜する Edinburgh Magazine に多くの記事を投稿し、”Mill on Government” (1829) など、政敵ジェイムズ・ミル (James Mill, 1773-1836) に向けられた投稿で有名である。インドの最高審議会での役職を果たした後、エディンバラ代表の国会議員を1839年から1856年ま で務める。その間に執筆されたのが、典型的なホイッグ主義の進歩史観を反映する、悪名高くも有名な History of England (1849-61) である。 (Y. Y.)

English Whig politician, essayist, historian and poet, born at Rothley Temple, Leicestershire, October 1800. He was a regular contributor to the Whiggish Edinburgh Magazine since his first appearance in August 1825, and his most remarkable articles were directed against James Mill, such as his famous aggressive article “Mill on Government” (1829) against Mill’s Essays on Government (1820). After engaging in a job at the Supreme Council of India, he became an MP for Edinburgh in 1839, and during the time until he retired in 1856, he wrote his famous or perhaps notorious collection of books, History of England (1849-61), which represents a typical Whiggish notion of progressive history.    (Y. Y.)


  • 1. The Armada
  • 2. The Battle of Naseby
  • 3. An Election Ballad
  • 4. Ivry: a Song of the Huguenots
  • 5. The Last Buccaneer


* G. B. Smith, ed. Illustrated British Ballads, Old and New. 2 vols. London, 1881.
* Macaulay: Prose and Poetry. Selected by G. M. Young. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1952.