Andrew Langアンドルー・ラング / 1844-1912

スコットランドの詩人、文芸評論家。1844年3月31日、ボーダー地方の名家の子としてセルカーク (Selkirk) に生まれる。エディンバラ・アカデミー、詩作を始めたセントアンドルーズ大学、グラスゴー大学、オックスフォード大学ベイリオルカレッジで教育を受け、 1868年から74年まではオックスフォード大学マートンカレッジのフェローとして、神話、儀礼、トーテミズムを研究した。75年にロンドンに移り、当代 の最も著名な文人として活躍した。出版した詩集には Ballads and Lyrics of Old France (1872)、Ballads in Blue China (1880, 1881) などがある。他方で、共同散文訳 Odyssey (1879) や Iliad (1883) を出版。また、The Gold of Fairnilee (1888) や The Blue Fairy Book (1889) を著わして、広い人気を博した。ラングは、バラッドの起源をめぐる論争で活躍し、チャイルド (F. J. Child) とガマリ (F. B. Gummere) に賛同して、共同体起源説を支持した。 (H. N.)

Scottish poet and literary essayist. Born on 31 March to an old established Borders family in Selkirk. He was educated at the Edinburgh Academy, St Andrews University, where he started writing poetry, Glasgow University, and Balliol College, Oxford. He was a fellow of Merton College, Oxford from 1868 to 74, studying myth, ritual and totemism. In 1875 he moved to London, and quickly became one of the most successful and best-known men of letters of his day. He published several volumes of verse including Ballads and Lyrics of Old France (1872) and Ballads in Blue China (1880, 1881). In addition, he cooperated in the translations of Odyssey (1879) and of Iliad (1883). He also wrote a number of fairy stories including The Gold of Fairnilee (1888) and The Blue Fairy Book (1889), which enjoyed a wide popularity. He played an active role in the controversy on the ballad origin. In favour of F. J. Child and F. B. Gummere’s views, he argued that traditional ballads were originally created by peasant poets. (H. N.)


  • 1. The Bridge of Death
  • 2. The Fragment of the Fause Lover and the Dead Leman
  • 3. Le Père Sévère: King Louis' Daughter
  • 4. The Milk White Doe
  • 5. The Sudden Bridal
  • 6. The Three Captains
  • 7. The Young Ruthven
  • 8. The Queen o’ Spain and the Bault McLean
  • 9. Keith of Craigentolly
  • 10. A Lady of High Degree
  • 11. For a Rose’s Sake
  • 12. The Brigand’s Grave
  • 13. Iannoula


  • 4. 真っ白な鹿


* The Poetical Works of Andrew Lang. Vol. 3. Ed. Mrs. Lang. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1923.
* New Collected Rhymes. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1905.